Thursday, 13 April 2017

Location Recce

Location from Callum Lynch on Vimeo.

After running through where i will be filming for my first shoot i thought it would be a good idea to run through whilst filming where i will be filming each shot of my film. By doing this i can indicate what hazards there are, where they are located and some safety options. 


I also filmed on the moors for some of my film. The moors can be very dangerous from bog to wild animals.  I didn't write any of this when I did my but i'm going to talk about it. The moors is full of farm animals like pony's, cows and sheep. They can be harmless but its probably best to stay out of there way just to keep them calm and undistributed. You can also get dog walkers on the moors as well, dogs can be curious when other people are around, so when filming we had to be sure that they weren't violent dogs before we engaged them. 
I felt like filming on the moors was the best option because it gave the film that isolated feeling where no one else was. 

I also filmed at a different location where i finished the film off. It was on a random road with a very chimerical bridge and hedges at throughout the road. I didn't do a recce sheet for this part in the film, I don't know why but i just didn't, it didn't cross my mind to do one at the time and now thinking about it i should have. But i can talk about it. Cars go up and down the road all the time so we had to be very careful when starting and stopping recording for car noise as well. But that wasn't a problem because when i was filming i made sure not to record when a car was driving. 


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