Monday, 19 September 2016


After having a long look at all of the different briefs that were available i decided on 3 different ones. Brief 2, Brief 7 and Brief 10. 
Why did i chose these ones other the others?
I chose brief 2,7 and 10 because i really enjoy filming and i find that filming is my passion. 
I liked brief 2 because its something different that I haven't made yet and would love to make. I've heard that making a trailer is the hardest to make. 

Brief 2- Brief 2 requires you to make a movie trailer, a website homepage for the film, a film magazine front cover and a poster for the film. This would have been a really good experience to make, and I love watching trailer and I just think it would be really hard because of have to think about a whole movie. Within a trailer it is easy to get side tracked with not sticking to the movie idea and just filming anything. It is hard to keep on track you just have to keep the same idea in your head throughout all filming. 

Brief 7-Brief 7 consists of creating a short documentary, a radio trailer. a double page spread from a listing magazine and a news paper advertisement. Like brief 2 this would also be really fun and a new experience to make. Compared to the other 2 this requires me to use a program I don't really understand but have little knowledge in it. A documentary also requires a lot of research and investigation into the subject you are doing. 

Brief 10-Brief 10 is the project I will be doing. It contains me making a short film, a poster for film, a radio trailer and a magazine review featuring the film. Like brief 7 this requires me to make a radio trailer for the film which requires me to use a program that I don't have much knowledge in. But I can learn how to use it. I also chose this project so that I can increase my knowledge in Photoshop and actually filming and editing.  

On deciding that I will be making a short film (brief 7). I will go through a lot of challenges to get m film in how I want it. It will be hard finding a location that suits my film to film in. i want my film to be like a classic american thriller film. I am using The shinning and The machinist as an inspiration to create my film. I will find it hard to find some actors that will be willing to do it for free, but we can over come that in many different ways. 

Mind Maps (my ideas)

Here are my 3 ideas for a short film. 

 My initial idea was to do a comedy short film. I cam up with a weird idea to having best friends who fell out over a cat. Then the villain makes a massive cat army which is the hero weakness but what the villain didn't realise was that catnip will make cats do anything. Its really deerpy and i just thought that it would require a lot of time when editing because everything would have been done on green screen.   

My second idea was to do a horror film. Horror film are the easiest to do with very little to no budget. You can literally do any horror when you put your mind to it. I can up with 4 friend using a Ouija board in a house and then random stuff starts to happen to them. 24 hour later there is only one left but he isn't safe when he thinks he is. I'm not going to use this idea but it still would be a good idea if my final idea isn't good enough.  

I've had this idea for a thriller film for ages. I've had the idea about a boyfriend going crazy and killing his girlfriend. The idea is very vague i need to put some more work into it like where i should film it, who is going to be my actors, all the different angles of shots etc. 
At the moment this is the rough idea but i have more time to think about it when we are actually planning the films.  

After doing 3 different mind maps, it has made me think about my ideas more and how much detail they actually need for a short 5 minute film. i have 
definitely developed my ideas more now that i have done a few mind maps. I think without doing a mind map for the different i wouldn't have properly thought about any idea and most likely not really have a clue about what my ideas were.

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